
Desde outubro de 2022, as Newsletters do PAFSE são enviados trimestralmente a todos os membros assinantes. Contêm notícias e atualizações sobre o projeto, e também links úteis para os assinantes, nomeadamente as redes sociais do projeto. Abaixo encontram-se todas as Newsletters enviadas até o momento.

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Logo of Photodentro PAFSE - European Educational Resource Repository
Logo of e-me Digital Educational Platform
Are you aware about Partnerships for Science Education (PAFSE) project? Have you ever heard about it or met our team? PAFSE is a Science Education Project that addresses the challenges of Public Health. It was approved under Horizon 2020 programme and integrates 9 partners from 4 European countries: Portugal, Cyprus, Greece, Poland.

PAFSE consortium took a couple of meetings to discuss the components and contents of Photodentro PAFSE, a European Repository of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) educational resources addressing public health. The repository is launched and will be continuously updated! If you are a teacher, researcher, instructional designer, professor, educator, technology developer, scientist, engineer, public health specialist, STEM specialist, or any other professional interested in innovative learning resources for science education, click here to browse Photodentro PAFSE.

Additionally, PAFSE provides you a collaborative, social and extendable Digital Educational Space, e-me platform, a working and collaboration space for pupils and teachers, that also provides resources to support teaching and learning. e-me was initiated in Greece and under its European edition is now open and free to anyone interested in Europe, schools, teachers, pupils, parents, academics, institutions, etc. It supports four languages (English, Greek, Portuguese and Polish). If you wish to know more and/or register to e-me click here.

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As you know, PAFSE is a science education project addressing the challenges of public health. So far, the team developed 27 scenarios and digital educational resources for public health education and prepared teachers for their implementation.

We are piloting the educational scenarios in Portugal, Cyprus, Greece and Poland. The covered topics include epidemics, zoonosis, viruses, bacteria, vaccination, non-communicable diseases, road traffic accidents, sustainable mobility, tobacco, healthy eating, pollution, climate action, social and environmental determinants of health, ONE health, sustainable development goals, 3D objects, Artificial Intelligence Systems and web-based solutions for public health.

Pilot schools are running the implementation of educational scenarios and research-based projects for public health education with the support of governmental institutes, research centers, NGOs and enterprises.

Are you interested to know more about our pilot schools? Please click here.
Are you interested to engage PAFSE project as a teacher, school or partner organization? Please fill our join us form or contact us using!



PAFSE at Interinstitutional Days of Pedagogical Innovation

PAFSE was presented at the Portuguese Interinstitutional Days of Pedagogical Innovation, an initiative open to higher education teachers interested in their professional pedagogical development.
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Science education activities at Cristiano Ronaldo Academy

The learning activities were organized under the scope of the partnership between Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Sporting Clube de Portugal for #PAFSE project.
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Working meeting with the Directorate of Secondary Education of Arta

The scientific responsible of the Project for the University of Ioannina Professor Anastasios Mikropoulos accompanied by members of the Research Team of the University of Ioannina, met with officers of the Directorate of Secondary Education of Arta, Principals and Biology and Chemistry teachers of the 2nd, 3rd and 5th High Schools of Arta.
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Dear teachers and educators,

We are excited to announce our upcoming training opportunities, designed specifically for you, teachers who wish to enhance your skills and abilities, and learn about exciting topics in the public health field. Our training program will provide you with the necessary tools, resources, and knowledge to become more effective educators in fields that are of growing importance and will allow your students to succeed!

Our training program will cover a range of topics, all related to public health, and also topics that will help strengthen teaching methodologies, and give you strategies for engaging with your students and create an even more inclusive learning environment in your school. Not only will all these skills be invaluable to you, but they will prove to be essential for you students’ academic and personal growth.

During this program, you will have the opportunity to learn from different educators, from different backgrounds, collaborate with your peers, meet new people. Our program is designed to be interactive, engaging, and practical, with a focus on real-world issues and educational scenarios that teachers are interested to talk confidently about, consequently contributing to the education and health of the population in which they exist.

Our training program consists of a total of 15 hours, free of charge, which you may attend fully, or by modules, during the month of July, online. If there is high demand, we may open other dates for you, so look out for other opportunities. The program is open to all teachers from different schools and levels.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn and grow as an educator, and as a person. Send an email now to the address below, to reserve your spot, and take the first step towards becoming a more effective and impactful teacher!
Email :
We hope to see you soon!

Best regards,
The PAFSE team.



PAFSE first openschooling event @ Escola Secundária Luís de Freitas Branco / Oeiras, Portugal

PAFSE European Project, coordinated by Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, held the first openschooling event in Escola Secundária Luís de Freitas Branco. The event was attended by students, teachers, parents, enterprises, representatives of the Oeiras City Council, Ministry of Education and Health. Students from the 8th and 9th grade presented their learnings , research projects and proposals aiming to benefit the health and wellbeing of the community.
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Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública / UNL visits Escola Secundaria Professor Ruy Luis Gomes

On the 8th of february a team from Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Universidade Nova de Lisboa visits Escola Secundaria Professor Ruy Luis Gomes, with a couple of partners, to: share real and inspiring stories; demystify myths about science and STEM professions; explore problems connected with sustainable development; find creative solutions; systematize information about STEM.
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Participation of PAFSE project in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

In the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Portugal will present a National Voluntary Report in July 23, a reflective exercise of collecting and reporting information on the progress made in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In this exercise, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, together with the Commission for Coordination and Regional Development of Lisbon Region, held a Participatory Assembly on March 29th.
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The PAFSE consortium is thrilled to announce that pilot experience in schools were finished with the organization of open schooling events in 4 countries (Portugal, Cyprus, Greece, Poland) and massive professional development workshops at EU level for teachers and educators looking to update their knowledge in diverse topics connected with STEM education and public health have just begun.

In July, PAFSE has reached another region, archipelago of Azores, located in the mid-Atlantic and autonomous region of Portugal. The educational cluster will be growth with the active involvement of governmental organizations, Azores University, NOVA University of Lisbon, Expolab Science Center and Domingos Rebelo Secondary School, part of a municipality with great mobility between urban and rural areas.

Look at our most recent news and keep on track on PAFSE announcements!

Best regards,
The PAFSE team.



INESC TEC open-schooling events

From May 29th to June 14th, INESC TEC joined hands with the 5 pilot school in organizing the Open School Events for the community! Different activities were carried out, from showcasing of the work performed by the students for the three educational scenarios (3D modeling, 3D animation and 3D printing), to special talks regarding technology applied to health, the events were embraced by the the students, parents, teachers, school boards, and stakeholders. Even the President of the Vila Real City Council engaged with the students within the project’s scope.
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PAFSE at the Model High School of Smyrna (Attica, Greece)

At the Model High School of Smyrna, in Athens, the PAFSE scenario “The mathematical representation of an epidemic: the case of SIR (Susceptible, Infectious, or Recovered) modelling” is being implemented in the Science Club referred as “Small and Big Stories from Science”. During one of their meetings, students conducted role-playing, according to which “experts” met in order to discuss how to deal with Covid – 19 in their city.
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Webinar: “Public health education – sharing approaches of PAFSE project”

The Portuguese Association for the Promotion of Public Health (APPSP), in collaboration with the National School of Public Health (ENSP-NOVA) and Professor Carolina Santos, carried out on the 28th of June, a Webinar on the topic “Education in public health – sharing approaches of the European project PAFSE”.
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Open schooling event at the Department of Primary Education, University of Ioannina

On March 14, 2023, the PAFSE team from UOI collaborated with the 2nd high school of Argos, the 11th high school of Ioannina, and the high school of Chrisovitsa to organize an event at the Department of Primary Education, University of Ioannina.
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Are you a teacher, science educator or policy maker interested in the implementation of educational scenarios for health education? Teacher professional development workshops are being organized in Portugal, Greece, Cyprus and Poland on a variety of topics! Stay connected with PAFSE posts on social media and use join us to manifest your interest in attending the workshops! Assure your seat.


PAFSE Workshop at Ioannina

PAFSE researchers Dimitris Chalkidis, Georgia Iatraki, Pavlos Gaintatzis and Anastasios Mikropoulos are organizing a workshop as part of the 13th conference “Science Education and New Technologies in Education”.
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University of Cyprus: PAFSE pilot implementation and open schooling events

End of June 2023, all Cyprus PAFSE pilot schools have finished the PAFSE pilot implementations of educational scenarios for school year 2022-2023, which they had designed and developed, organizing open schooling events (open public events).
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National Meeting of School Science Clubs 2023 – PAFSE in the Spotlight!

On the 13th of October 2023, Portugal’s Ciência Viva Agency organized the National Meeting of “Clubes Ciência Viva na Escola 2023″. This is, the national meeting of School Science Clubs, at the Pavilhão do Conhecimento (Pavilion of Knowledge), in Lisbon, Portugal, which brought together over 600 science and technology enthusiasts, including representatives from municipalities, companies, and scientific institutions, which emphasized the significance of science and technology in the educational arena.
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Welcome to the latest edition of the PAFSE project newsletter. Here, we share updates and insights on our work to promote science education in schools and communities. We are excited to announce that we are entering the scale-up phase of our project, expanding our reach and impact to more regions and partners. We would also like to announce that we will soon make public new dates for our upcoming teacher professional developmentworkshops. These workshops offer educators the opportunity to learn about public health issues and learning in science from our experts and network. This newsletter is part of our ongoing effort to keep you informed and engaged with our project. We hope you find it useful. Thank you for your support and interest in the PAFSE project!

PAFSE at the Junior High School of Xenopoulos Schools in Greece



Celebrating International Science Day

Photo from Holon Pharmacies activity during the International Science Day Celebration

In a remarkable event held on November 24th, at the National School of Public Health, the Partnerships for Science Education (PAFSE) Project came together with various stakeholders and partner schools to commemorate International Science Day.

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National dissemination action of the PAFSE Project to School Groups and Live Science Clubs

Presentation screenshot

On November 9, 2023, a nationwide publicity campaign for the PAFSE Project was carried out in Portugal, intended to School Groups and Live Science Clubs. This action, which was co-organized by the General Directorate of Education, was attended by 105 participants.

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PAFSE organizes the “Digital Learning Objects for inquiry-based learning in public health”!

PAFSE members D. Chalkidis, G. Iatraki, P. Gaintatzis, and T. A. Mikropoulos organized the “Digital Learning Objects for inquiry-based learning in public health” workshop at the 13thNational Conference “Science Education and New Technologies in Education”

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AMU: START of the next PAFSE workshops

bacteria on the microscope

Primary school from Krzyż Wlkp. students learned about the different faces of bacteria: Internal and external structure, division of bacteria into beneficial and pathogenic, places of existence and living conditions. Τhey collected all this information during workshops organized at the Faculty of Biology of Adam Mickiewicz University

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European Union Logo

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101006468.

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PAFSE Final conference: Open Schooling Innovations for Public Health Education
Save the date: 12 of July

Welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter, where we celebrate the power of collaboration in and for science education. We are thrilled to announce that the PAFSE project will organize an international conference on the 12th of July. This event will be held in Lisbon, at the Rectory of the NOVA University of Lisbon. The conference will not only reflect on the achievements and breakthroughs facilitated by PAFSE, but also look ahead to future projects, collaborations and initiatives. We look forward to seeing you there and celebrating our collective accomplishments. Stay tuned on the social networks and website, we will announce the conference program soon. You will be able to sign up and guarantee your spot soon!




PAFSE Azores Cluster, recently formed, develops science education activities!

Photo from Holon Pharmacies activity during the International Science Day Celebration
Expolab – Ciência Viva Science Centre – is collaborating in the implementation of the educational scenario under the topic “Sustainable Development Goals” and organized a science education activity with students at Domingos Rebelo Secondary School.
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PAFSE Project in the media: Innovative Approach in Portuguese Schools


At the Góis School, an innovative approach is shaping the way road accidents are perceived. Far from being isolated incidents, they are seen as public health problems.

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PAFSE Project Successfully Concludes Comprehensive Webinar Series

The PAFSE project has successfully completed a comprehensive series of insightful webinars. These sessions were designed to support teachers in creating effective technology-enhanced learning environments focused on public health.

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AMU: Honorary patronage of the Mayor of Poznań

Logo of Honorary Patronage of the Mayor or Poznań

We are pleased to announce that President Jacek Jaśkowiak has granted the “PAFSE – Partnerships for Science Education” project the Honorary Patronage of the Mayor of Poznań, as an expression of personal support and appreciation for the project. Thank you.

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European Union Logo

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101006468.

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