PAFSE at the 4th High School of Glyfada (Attica, Greece)

Published On: 2 June 2023
PAFSE at the 4th High School of Glyfada in Attica, Greece

The PAFSE scenario “Social Determinants of Health” is being implemented at the 4th High School of Glyfada (Attica, Greece).

On April 3rd, Ms. Melina Charatsidou, Director of the Prevention Centre of the Municipality of Glyfada, Psychologist and Psychotherapist, worked with students on issues related to the social impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. After watching a video in which an expert talked about the pandemic, students worked in small groups expressing their feelings, as well as the difficulties they experienced during the pandemic. Subsequently, a plenary session was held during which the small groups shared their concerns. This was followed by a fruitful discussion under the guidance of the Psychologist and their teachers, Mrs. Basi and Mrs. Koutsouli.