News & Announcements2024-06-06T10:55:08+01:00

News & Announcements

  • Photos from Paralimni Gymnasium (Cyprus) Open Schooling Events

University of Cyprus: PAFSE Educational Scenarios Implementations and Open Schooling Events for the school year 2023-2024

20 May 2024|

On April 17th, 22nd, and 23rd, 2024, secondary school students from three public schools in Cyprus participating in the PAFSE program (Paralimni Gymnasium, Xylotymbou Gymnasium, and Pangyprion Lykeio Larnacas) successfully presented and debated three different public health socioscientific issues during open schooling events. These issues served as the context for their investigations throughout the school year 2023-2024. Here's a breakdown of the specific public health topics addressed by each school: Paralimni Gymnasium: Vaccines development and vaccinations: The science that responds ...

  • PAFSE and the Green STEM project

PAFSE and the Green STEM project

9 May 2024|

PAFSE researchers participated in the “training program for academic staff” organized by the “Green STEM model for teachers education” Erasmus+ program in Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey, April 25-26, 2024. Professor Mikropoulos presented “A sample STEM scenario on public health”, namely the “Function of vaccines, vaccine hesitancy and misinformation” and its Digital Learning Objects. He also presented the "Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes taxonomy”. Dr. Michael Delimitros from UOI delivered a presentation on “Designing educational digital resources in the e-me platform”. ...

  • Actions of PAFSE at Paralimni Gymnasium about healthy eating and childhood obesity: A hands-on workshop on making healthy snacks

Actions of PAFSE at Paralimni Gymnasium about healthy eating and childhood obesity: A hands-on workshop on making healthy snacks

15 April 2024|

On the 3rd of April 2024, 8th-grade students from Paralimni Gymnasium, specifically those in the B1, B2, and B10 classes, had the opportunity to participate in a hands-on workshop focused on making healthy snacks. The workshop was organized by the nutrition scientists Ms. Katerina and Ms. Georgia Fella. These twin sisters come from the community Sotira Famagusta, which is in close proximity to the Paralimni community and Paralimni Gymnasium. Both Ms. Katerina and Ms. Georgia Fella are graduates of the ...

  • Actions of PAFSE at Paralimni Gymnasium about vaccinations and how science responds to vaccines hesitancy

Actions of PAFSE at Paralimni Gymnasium about vaccinations and how science responds to vaccines hesitancy

15 April 2024|

On the 5th of April 2024, 9th-grade students of Paralimni Gymnasium interviewed Dr Petros Karayiannis, Professor of Microbiology / Molecular Virology at the Medical School of the University of Nicosia, Cyprus, about vaccines development, vaccinations and how they affect an epidemic or pandemic. We share the school's comments. “On April 5, 2024, a group of 9th-grade students from the PAFSE Research Project at our school, accompanied by their biology teacher, Mrs Theonie Loizou, met with the epidemiologist researcher Dr. Petros ...

  • PAFSE project in the workshop “Innovative Approaches To STEM Education: challenges and prospects”

PAFSE project in the workshop “Innovative approaches to STEM education: challenges and prospects”

8 April 2024|

The University of Athens Master’s program “STEM education and educational robotics systems” and the “STEM diffusion” project co-organized the workshop “Innovative approaches to stem education: challenges and prospects”. Tassos Mikropoulos was a keynote speaker in this two days event. Tassos Mikropoulos discussed the theoretical approach for STEM education followed by the presentation of the PAFSE project. He analyzed the four educational scenarios developed by the University of Ioannina, namely “Social determinants of health during an epidemic/pandemic outbreak”, “The mathematical ...

  • Actions of PAFSE at Paralimni Gymnasium about Human Defense System – Vaccinations and Vaccination Schedule for Cyprus (March 2024)

Actions of PAFSE at Paralimni Gymnasium about Human Defense System – Vaccinations and Vaccination Schedule for Cyprus (March 2024)

2 April 2024|

The European Research Project Partnerships for Science Education (PAFSE), which is funded by the European Union (EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program) and whose local partner is the University of Cyprus (UCY), has been actively engaging with 9th-grade students at Paralimni Gymnasium. On the 19th of March, the students from Classes C06 and C09 participated in a workshop conducted by Health Visitors from the Cyprus Ministry of Health, Ms. Eva Zartela and Ms. Loukia Zouvana. The workshop focused on ...

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