Actions of PAFSE at Paralimni Gymnasium about vaccinations and how science responds to vaccines hesitancy

Published On: 15 April 2024
Actions of PAFSE at Paralimni Gymnasium about vaccinations and how science responds to vaccines hesitancy

On the 5th of April 2024, 9th-grade students of Paralimni Gymnasium interviewed Dr Petros Karayiannis, Professor of Microbiology / Molecular Virology at the Medical School of the University of Nicosia, Cyprus, about vaccines development, vaccinations and how they affect an epidemic or pandemic. We share the school’s comments.

On April 5, 2024, a group of 9th-grade students from the PAFSE Research Project at our school, accompanied by their biology teacher, Mrs Theonie Loizou, met with the epidemiologist researcher Dr. Petros Karayiannis. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss issues related to the socio-scientific issue of vaccinations. At the beginning of the interview, Dr Karayiannis answered personal questions about his decision to study Microbiology and Molecular Virology. Subsequently, he provided clear and understandable answers to students’ questions about virus structure, genetic material, modes of replication, vaccine development, and the impact of vaccinations on epidemics and pandemics. Additionally, Dr. Karayiannis explained how science works and addressed epistemological issues to the students.  Yet, Dr. Karayiannis was asked to answer questions related to the coronavirus pandemic, whose effects are still palpable.

It was a very interesting and constructive interview.  The students showed great interest, both during the preparation of the interview questions and during the interview. The fact that the students had the opportunity to engage in a conversation with a scientist with a very rich CV and multifaceted knowledge, combined with his mild manner and pleasant personality, were catalytic factors in keeping the students engaged with undiminished interest throughout the interview. Heartfelt thanks to Dr. Karayiannis for the interview”.