Actions of PAFSE at Paralimni Gymnasium about Human Defense System – Vaccinations and Vaccination Schedule for Cyprus (March 2024)

Published On: 2 April 2024
Actions of PAFSE at Paralimni Gymnasium about Human Defense System – Vaccinations and Vaccination Schedule for Cyprus (March 2024)

The European Research Project Partnerships for Science Education (PAFSE), which is funded by the European Union (EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program) and whose local partner is the University of Cyprus (UCY), has been actively engaging with 9th-grade students at Paralimni Gymnasium. On the 19th of March, the students from Classes C06 and C09 participated in a workshop conducted by Health Visitors from the Cyprus Ministry of Health, Ms. Eva Zartela and Ms. Loukia Zouvana. The workshop focused on the topic “The Human Defense System -Vaccinations and Vaccination Schedule for Cyprus”.

The workshop was organised in the framework of the collaboration between the #PAFSE programme of Paralimni Gymnasium and the Cyprus Ministry of Health.

Here are the key points discussed during the workshop:

  1. History of Vaccines: The workshop delved into the historical context of vaccines. It highlighted how widespread vaccination has been instrumental in curbing the spread of diseases across different countries over time. For instance, the successful vaccination campaigns against the Spanish flu were discussed.
  2. Vaccination Schedule in Cyprus: Participants explored the vaccination schedule implemented in Cyprus. Understanding the timing and recommended vaccines is crucial for maintaining public health.
  3. Herd Immunity: The concept of herd immunity was explained.
  4. Research and Crisis Management: The role of research in addressing health crises was emphasized. The Covid-19 pandemic served as a relevant case study, highlighting the importance of evidence-based approaches.

Overall, the workshop provided valuable insights for 9th-grade high school students, equipping them with knowledge about vaccinations and their impact on public health.

Responsible teacher: Ms. Theonie Loizou (MA), Biology teacher at the Paralimni Gymnasium.