Actions of PAFSE at Paralimni Gymnasium about healthy eating and childhood obesity: A hands-on workshop on making healthy snacks

Published On: 15 April 2024
Actions of PAFSE at Paralimni Gymnasium about healthy eating and childhood obesity: A hands-on workshop on making healthy snacks

On the 3rd of April 2024, 8th-grade students from Paralimni Gymnasium, specifically those in the B1, B2, and B10 classes, had the opportunity to participate in a hands-on workshop focused on making healthy snacks. The workshop was organized by the nutrition scientists Ms. Katerina and Ms. Georgia Fella. These twin sisters come from the community Sotira Famagusta, which is in close proximity to the Paralimni community and Paralimni Gymnasium. Both Ms. Katerina and Ms. Georgia Fella are graduates of the Department of Food Bioscience at the University of Glasgow. They actively promote healthy eating through their own recipes and products, engaging in intense social media activity. We share the school’s comments.

“This workshop aimed to explain to students that preparing healthy snacks is both easy and quick. Using simple ingredients from the Mediterranean diet, they learned how to create nutritious snacks. Additionally, there was a discussion about limiting ingredients like salt and sugar. During a constructive discussion, the students acknowledged the challenges, especially at their age, of resisting chips and other processed snacks. However, they committed to trying the recipes and continuing to learn through study and practice. Their goal is to develop healthy habits that prevent health problems associated with unhealthy food choices and childhood obesity”.

The lead teachers for the actions related to healthy eating and childhood obesity are Ms. Salomi Hadjiconstantinou and Ms. Marie Constanti, Biology teachers at Paralimni Gymnasium.