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e-me Digital Educational Platform
(European edition, for all)

e-me is a collaborative, social and extendable Digital Educational Platform, a digital working and collaboration space for pupils and teachers.

e-me is a personal learning environment which supports:

  • creation of private and public collaboration spaces (hives) by teachers and pupils, communication and social networking among students and teachers,
  • organization, storage and exchange of files on the cloud,
  • easy creation of digital, interactive educational objects,
  • assigning and monitoring of tasks,
  • creation of e-portfolio for keeping selected personal achievements,
  • display of work via collaborative and personal blogs,
  • use of open educational resources from digital repositories,

while it further provides digital “tools” to support teaching and learning.

e-me was initiated in Greece. It was designed and developed by “CTI DIOPHANTUS”, the technical body of the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (MoE). e-me is one of the two official platforms that is provided by the Greek Ministry of Education to all schools, teachers and pupils in Greece, as a national asynchronous learning platform.

In Greece, e-me is available in two installations (editions): the official e-me (e-me.edu.gr), which is a closed system provided only to teachers and pupils with the use of their school accounts, and “e-me for all” edition (4all.e-me.edu.gr), which is open and free to everyone via registration.

The current installation of e-me (e-me4all.eu) is the European edition of “e-me for all”.

European edition of e-me is open and free to anyone interested in Europe, schools, teachers, pupils, parents, academics, institutions, etc. It was customized in the context of the PAFSE project (PArtnerships For Science Education) and it supports four languages ​​(English, Greek, Portuguese and Polish).

The European edition of e-me expands use of Digital Educational Platform e-me in Europe.

e-me landing page