The role of Educational Scenarios in sustaining interactive learning

Published On: 9 July 2024
The role of Educational Scenarios in sustaining interactive learning

An educational scenario helps instructional designers to plan and organize effective, sustainable interactive learning experiences, and aids teachers in implementing these experiences.

Among the benefits of an educational scenario are the organization of the “didactic tetrahedron” (teachers – students – content – digital technology) and the implementation models like TPACK. Interactivity in an educational scenario is sustained through learner-centered approaches and meaningful learning activities. Digital technology contributes to both when used as “cognitive tool”. This means using software applications like Digital Learning Objects that students create, modify or use and engage them in meaningful critical thinking.

“Photodentro PAFSE” a European Educational Resource Repository ( and “e-me” a collaborative, social, and extendable Digital Educational Platform ( offer the digital tools and a series of educational scenarios that promote interactive learning in STEM approaches.