PAFSE Final Conference Marks a Milestone in the Project and in Public Health Education

Published On: 30 July 2024
Moments from PAFSE Final Conference

The final conference of PAFSE, held on July 12th at the Rectory of NOVA University of Lisbon, was the stage for sharing the main results and products of the project and extended discussions on how to implement an open and collaborative school model in the context of STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). Educators, policymakers and researchers gathered together to discuss the implementation and future directions for the “Partnerships for Science Education” project.

This event, representing the culmination of a collaborative effort of nine institutions, based on 4 European countries (Cyprus, Greece, Poland, Portugal), showcased innovative strategies for enriching science education with public health challenges, within schools. Conference speakers highlighted the project’s success in promoting scientific culture and public health literacy and its potential to shape a more informed and conscious society in issues that influence individual and community health.

The day was filled with meaningful knowledge-sharing and insightful discussions. The conference also included a theatre presentation by students who participated in the pilot phase of the PAFSE project. These students performed a captivating, engaging play on non-communicable diseases, creatively illustrating their understanding and raising awareness of these critical health issues. Their performance underscored the project’s objective of engaging students in active learning and demonstrated the potential of Arts integration in science education to communicate complex issues effectively.

The conference emphasized the importance of open schooling and of school-university-community collaboration in science education. Interactive workshops and case studies provided participants with hands-on experiences and practical insights into the project’s findings. Participants engaged in dynamic discussions on best practices, fostering a collaborative atmosphere. The event not only celebrated the achievements of the PAFSE project, but also set the stage for ongoing initiatives with interested stakeholders to improve and promote science education across Europe, ensuring the project’s impact will continue to grow and evolve, even after the end of EU funding.

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