New European Bauhaus Festival

Published On: 11 June 2022
New European Bauhaus Festival (day 1)

PAFSE Project was present at the “Festival of the New European Bauhaus” (NEB), promoted by the European Commission, between the 9th and 11th of June, in Brussels.

NEB is a creative and transdisciplinary movement, bridging the world of science and technology, and supporting positive change, while also providing access to EU funding for sustainable and inclusive projects. This festival was the perfect opportunity to make known the values and the diversity of activities encompassed under the umbrella of the NEB:

  • laboratories of local citizens;
  • pioneering research;
  • innovative prototypes and;
  • proposals on how to make our lives easier, more sustainable and more beautiful.

The live exhibition included virtual reality, 3D and live interaction, to show projects, meet, interact and exchange ideas, bringing together different actors and partners.

June 9 was our first day attending the NEB Festival. It was a great opportunity to meet participants and the general public and show our educational platforms and STEM resources for better public health!

#PAFSE #NEBFestival #NewEuropeanBauhaus